Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Hey friends,

                  Yes, I cannot TOTALLY stay away from my blog . I know I am a recluse otherwise....but I feel that pent up feelings can sometimes be best expressed virtually. So, today, when I am finally back from my self imposed exile a.k.a break, I am here to talk about issues that bug every person or the other at some point in their lives. (especially girls, but, then guys are no exception either.)

                 We all love to flip the pages of glossy magazines and most of us wonder: "oh how i wish I had a figure like that model", or  "that's a lovely dress/bag etc." and then put ourselves through the suffering that comes with not having sufficient purchasing power to materialize our wants. Granted, we may have wants and unfulfilled desires, but surely not at the cost of driving ourselves to the point of narcissism or self loathing.
Add to the beauty bandwagon proliferation by media our very own social networking sites that allow the users to upload pics of themselves (in various poses) and go through the pain and mental turmoil that comes inadvertently with not having enough "likes" and appreciative "comments" on their pics.

              Hey, who am I to judge?? A nobody practically. Or perhaps one among those hundreds and thousands of people who have driven themselves crazy to the point of narcissism.I am not referring to statistics or data and I won't, simply because I am here to share my views with the readers and not to exhibit my mere accretion of pedantic knowledge.

             We are beautiful. Tall or short, thin or fat, fair or dark. And we do NOT need to keep on uploading pics of ourselves to get this point across. Yes, I know you all may say that I am just reiterating the saying "BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP", but no. I am not. I know, on some unconscious level, beauty and physical appearance does matter. But that's that. I know several instances of guys and girls who are beautiful/ handsome but are worth noticing as long as they keep their mouths shut.

            So am I telling you not to covet the figure of the girl in the glossy magazine?? Yes, in a way. But being beautiful does not always mean having a "skinny" figure or getting into "skimpy" clothes just to show how "hot" you are. God has made all of us unique. So we should be "hot" and "beautiful" in our own way.

            I am used to people complementing me on my skin and hair because overall I am not bad looking. But, I had developed a kind of self loathing towards myself every time I saw myself in the mirror. I always thought a small pimple , or a dimple in the wrong place made me look awful, or that my figure is too voluptuous or my hair not so perfect, my nose too small and so on and so forth. So much so, that I wasted my precious time thinking " why aren't I that beautiful", or "I wish I had that dress, those shoes, that bag etc."
I had turned into a shopaholic and used to get angry when I didn't find the right item. But, I realised and realised it soon that one cannot be everything that one wants. If it were so easy then life would just have been a bed of roses. That said, I realised that it is important to embrace "your kind of beauty" that is exclusively yours. Improvise on it. We are always cribbing about getting "fat" but how many of us take the time to work out?? Just do it. You don't have to hit the gym. Got rough hair? Go get a hair spa or look up the internet for natural, inexpensive solutions. Want to buy a dress that helps you flaunt your curves? Or shoes that complement your never ending legs?? Go shopping. Once in a while it helps to assuage a woman's soul. And please, stop crash dieting, or dieting altogether. I don't do diets because there's simply too much of good food all around me. Most importantly, be happy because that inner glow is sure to show on your face.

          Too much of agony aunt talk??? Umm, maybe.....so from tomorrow, I'll get back to the BEAUTY BASICS. CIAO!!!! WILL BRING LOTS OF TIPS AND TRICKS AND INEXPENSIVE WAYS TO HELP YOU GLAMORIZE YOURSELF!!!

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